Do you know what your True Conversion rate is?

conversion rate

Do you know what your TRUE conversion rate is? I often ask this of financial advisers I work with and they usually come back with a confident answer of “I convert 80-90% of my sales meetings”.  But when we plug the real figures into a calculator the reality is, it’s a lot closer to 40-50%…

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Generating Referrals

Generating Referrals

Hasn’t that week flown by! I’m so excited to share Key #6 with you because it can make a HUGE difference to your business. We all understand the power of referrals. They are high leverage, they allow you to skip the time and financial investment involved with sourcing new leads and fast forward the sales…

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Developing Time Management Skills For Sales People

Time Management Skills

168 hours. That is the amount of time we each have every week. But while the time we have might be equal, how we manage it can differ greatly. How you manage your 168 hours, can determine your level of success. Let’s explore what’s required for developing time management skills for your sales people. I’m…

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Having More Meaningful Conversations

Meaningful Conversations

Welcome to key #1 in the 6 keys to high performance financial services email series! Having More Meaningful Conversations For a long time now I’ve realised the importance of having meaningful conversations with clients. When you connect with customers on an emotional level you go far beyond what typically happens in a normal sales conversation. For…

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Introduction to our Online Advice Framework

How are you? It’s been a while since I’ve sent my usual newsletter. There is a good reason though I promise…but before I get to that let me share with you something I don’t often tell people. When I was 13 years old, my father passed away. Being one of seven children, our family could…

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How to ask better questions to get better answers

How to ask better questions

There is power in asking questions. The right questions can help you get to the bottom of the issue, uncover motives, stop conflict, build trust, break down walls and even influence others to see your point of view. But how do you ask the right questions? Particularly in scenarios where people may be reluctant to…

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Four Tips For Building Profitable Business Relationships

Building Profitable Business Relationships

Your success and growth as a business owner or leader is often determined by your ability to influence and leverage. The more you can influence people’s thoughts and actions, and leverage their time, knowledge, resources and contacts, the quicker you can increase your capacity for growth. To do this effectively though you need to increase…

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