Unlock your Leadership Potential with a 360-Degree Leadership Assessment and lead with Confidence and Clarity

Gain a holistic view of your leadership style, strengths, and areas for development, drawing on feedback from peers, subordinates, and supervisors.

Gain Insight - Grow Stronger


Unlike standard leadership assessments, a 360° leadership assessment collects feedback from all relevant perspectives: supervisors, colleagues, peers, and direct reports. This comprehensive approach evaluates a leader’s skills, attitudes, influence, overall effectiveness, and other critical leadership competencies.


Insightful Feedback:

Gain a detailed understanding of how your leadership is perceived across different levels of your organisation.


Targeted Development:

Identify specific areas for improvement to become a more effective and inspiring leader.


Enhanced Self-Awareness:

Build a clearer picture of your strengths and potential blind spots.


Improved Team Dynamics:

Foster better relationships and communication within your team through constructive feedback.

360 assessments are designed for a variety of roles within an organisation:

To gain a comprehensive understanding of their performance from multiple perspectives, including peers, subordinates, and supervisors. This feedback helps identify strengths and areas for improvement.

To receive feedback from their team members, peers, and superiors, allowing them to understand how their leadership and management skills are perceived across the organisation.

To evaluate team dynamics and effectiveness, providing insights into how team members view each other's contributions and collaboration skills.

To gather feedback from a broad spectrum of stakeholders, including board members, direct reports, and peers, ensuring that their strategic and leadership capabilities are effectively aligned with organisational goals.

To foster a culture of continuous improvement and open communication, enhancing overall performance and productivity by using the feedback for development and training programs.


Assessment Distribution:

Customised surveys are sent to a selected group of colleagues who regularly interact with you

Data Collection:

Feedback is gathered anonymously to ensure honest and candid responses.

Comprehensive Report:

Receive a detailed report analysing the feedback, highlighting key themes, and providing actionable insights.

Personalised Coaching:

Private coaching session to help you interpret the results and create a tailored development plan.



Expert Guidance

Our experienced consultants are dedicated to helping you maximise the benefits of your 360 assessment.


Proven Methodology

We use best-in-class assessment tools to ensure reliable and valid results.


Ongoing Support

We provide continuous support and follow-up to track your progress and help you achieve your leadership goals.


Effective Debriefing

We conduct debriefing sessions that translate feedback into actionable steps, ensuring you take the right message from the report.


Tailored Feedback

Our feedback is customised to address the unique needs of your organisation and individuals, ensuring relevance and impact.


Strategic Alignment

Our process aligns feedback with your strategic goals, ensuring that leadership development supports overall business objectives.


User-Friendly Reports

Our reports are designed to be easy to understand and actionable, enabling quick implementation of insights.


Ready to take your leadership to the next level? Contact us today to learn more about our 360-Degree Leadership Assessment and start your journey towards becoming a more effective leader.

Founder & Director: Kylie Denton

Phone: 0409 129 723

Address: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Office Hours: Monday – Friday

9 am to 6 pm

Partnering with Clients Worldwide.



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Fill out our form and one of our team will call you within 24 hours, or call us on 0409 129 723 for a chat. We would love to hear from you.

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