How to ask better questions to get better answers

How to ask better questions

There is power in asking questions. The right questions can help you get to the bottom of the issue, uncover motives, stop conflict, build trust, break down walls and even influence others to see your point of view. But how do you ask the right questions? Particularly in scenarios where people may be reluctant to…

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Five Ways a Coach Can Help Leaders | #1 Developing Leadership Style

Leadership Style

Leadership Style As a leader you have enormous impact in your organisation. It doesn’t matter whether you manage two or 2,000 staff, your actions, decisions and leadership style can directly impact the productivity, profitability and performance of your team and business. While being a leader can be an incredibly rewarding it can also be overwhelming,…

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Why you need to manage your tasks not your time

Manage your tasks

Time is your most valuable commodity. There will only ever be 24 hours in your day and once it is spent it can never be returned. But as important as time is, if you want to be truly productive it is not your time that you should be managing so closely, it is your tasks.…

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Five tips to help you prioritise your work

When you’re faced with an ever growing to-do list, learning to prioritise your tasks is vital, not only for your productivity but for your own sanity and wellbeing. But with every task appearing urgent, how do you prioritise so that you make the most out of every day?

To help you I thought I would share how I prioritise my to-do list to ensure my time is spent as productively and profitably as possible.

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Four ways to create more accountability in your team

Lately a lot of my work has been with leaders and businesses around accountability. We often blame our staff for not doing the tasks we have set them or the tasks they have set themselves, but as leaders we also need to reflect on our own behaviour. Accountability is a two way street. While creating…

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Five Ways To Energise Your Team

Have you ever walked into an office and felt the energy of a team that are happy, passionate and collaborative? It feels different, looks different and sounds different. You just want to stay there and have whatever they are having! In my last blog I talked about how to increase your energy this blog is…

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