Is trust more important than value?


Is trust more important than value? As you are well aware, the royal commission has put our industry under the microscope. As a result, our conversations with clients are going to get harder, and that’s a challenge all advisers need to be prepared for. In my business, I often find that financial planners believe that…

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Preparing for your client meeting

Preparing for your client meeting

While we have discussed the importance of frameworks when it comes to sales and service success, it’s important to also focus on the human element on your client meetings. These face-to-face interactions are incredibly valuable to clients and are the key to building lasting relationships. Though in order to have productive and meaningful meetings with…

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Why Increasing Emotional Intelligence Increases Sales

Increasing Emotional Intelligence

You may have thought that Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a new buzz word, however it’s been around since the early 90’s. Research has shown since the 1990’s that EI is far more important than IQ when it comes to future success. Dr Howard Gardner the influential Harvard theorist defines your EI as “the level of…

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Three Ways to Work Smarter Not Harder

Work Smarter Not Harder

In the financial services industry, I find clients want two things each year – more money and more time off – the very things you work so hard to achieve for your clients. While the first part of the year starts out well, by February many of them have fallen into their usual work habits…

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How to identify if a sales framework is needed in your business

sales framework

Last month I talked about how a sales framework can help you build trust, understand the goals and objectives of your clients, increase conversions and boost performance and accountability within your team. A service framework can in many ways do the same with the additional benefits of organisational efficiency, staff satisfaction and client retention. If…

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Are you losing business by not having a sales framework?

having a sales framework

I have been designing and embedding sales frameworks in Financial Services for the last five years, and I have learnt that regardless of the industry you are in; sales is an essential part of any business. Everyone on your team needs to be able to sell, but as you are probably well aware, not everyone…

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How to effectively address conflict within your team

effectively address conflict

When different personalities, generations, genders and cultures work together on a daily basis with different viewpoints, priorities and communication methods, conflict is inevitable. So how do you prepare, manage and solve conflict effectively in the workplace? Here are my top tips for addressing conflict within your team. 1. Acknowledge the conflict The first step in…

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How to know when to intervene as a leader


When problems and issues arise within your business, they can have the ability to dramatically affect the productivity performance and profitability of your organisation. But as a leader, not all situations need your attention. In fact, it can be far better for your team, culture and business if you don’t intervene or micro-manage every individual…

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Four questions to help you find your ‘why’

Find Your Why

“He who has a why can endure any how.” – Frederick Nietzsche Most companies can answer the question “What do you do?” with ease, but it becomes a lot more difficult when asked, “Why?” Think about it, if someone were to ask you right now why you do what you do, would you be able…

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How to increase employee engagement and buy-in to change

increase employee engagement

Change is inevitable and it happens so frequently in businesses. But when it comes to implementing change in the workplace, employees don’t always look upon it so positively. With fear, habit and uncertainty often getting in the way of implementing change, your plans can often be met with resistance and reduced staff engagement, making it…

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