Are you losing business by not having a sales framework?

I have been designing and embedding sales frameworks in Financial Services for the last five years, and I have learnt that regardless of the industry you are in; sales is an essential part of any business. Everyone on your team needs to be able to sell, but as you are probably well aware, not everyone on your team can.

A sales framework acts as a prompt for your team, guiding them through the interview process, giving them structure and the right questions to ask at the right time. Helping to turn even even your worst salesperson into a high sales performer.

Not having a sales framework is like driving to a new destination without a map or GPS. While you may get to the right location occasionally, you may not have taken the best, fastest or nicest route or given your passenger the most enjoyable ride.

The simple truth is that greatness lies in mastering a great sales framework. Every great sales person follows a process

Still not convinced? Here are four areas that I have helped my customers with simply by implementing a sales framework into their business.

Sales frameworks build trust

Trust underpins all business transactions. With this in mind, the goal of every sales meeting should not be ‘to make a sale’ but instead build trust with the potential client in front of you.

Having a sales framework helps your team to focus on the trust building process and gives them the conversation starters to build rapport, the verbal and non-verbal cues to look for and respond to, and the skills of active listening and effective questioning – absolutley critical in Financial Services.

Sales frameworks help you understand the goals and objectives of your clients

Having a framework in place helps you truly understand the goals and objectives of your clients as it helps you ask the right questions in order to get to the true emotional needs of your clients. There are times when clients don’t have a clear picture of their goals and objectives and it’s up to us to make sure we help them get it.

Let’s be honest if you can’t help the client meet their dreams, hopes and visions for the future why would they want to do business with you?

By understanding the true needs of your clients, your team can also address any concerns or objections your clients may be experiencing, and eliminate any fear or hesitation that may prevent them moving forward with you.

Sales frameworks increase conversions

With your team focused on building rapport, identifying needs, responding to cues, overcoming objections and serving not selling conversion rates naturally increase.

A sales framework not only arms them with the right questions, information and answers for clients, but it also teaches them to have the right mindset and thought processes for sales. Conversions are easy when you know what you’re doing.

Sales frameworks boost performance and accountability

When you give your team the right systems, structure and information, you build confidence and competency which in turn increases their performance. But that isn’t where the only performance benefit lies.

As a leader, a sales framework can also build your leadership skills and coaching capabilities by helping you embed the right behaviour, instil the right values, identify strengths, weaknesses and opportunities in your team, fill knowledge gaps, maintain consistency and hold your team accountable for their performance.

If you need help with designing or implementing a sales framework in your business, call me on 0409 129 723.

PS – Whenever you’re ready, here are FIVE ways I can help you become a better leader… 

1. Take my FREE masterclass “3 Steps to Leadership Excellence”

A step-by-step roadmap to guide you from wherever you are now on your leadership journey to becoming a truly world-class leader.

2. Read my book “Empowering Employees Through Effective Delegation”

If you lead a team, you need to master delegation. Learn how to delegate effectively and what to do if it all goes wrong.

3. Book a 15-Minute “Discovery Call”

Develop a personalised leadership development plan that will get you results in the next 6 to 12 weeks and beyond.

4. Want to up your Leadership Game to the next level? Register to our Leadership Development Program

Find out more about our Leadership Excellence Program – Equipping leaders wit the necessary skills to lead high performing teams.

5. Take our 3 minute quiz to discover your Top 10 People Leadership Strengths

Thousands of people have taken our quiz and used their strengths to achieve their goals. Take the quiz today and see what you can achieve.


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Kylie Denton

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