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Need a tool so you can lead change in your team?

By Kylie Denton | 21/10/2022

One thing I love about my role is I get to share with leaders a model or a framework for any leadership challenge they have.  And trust there is a model or framework out there for them all leadership topics – feedback, managing under performance, coaching, communication and leading change is not different.      It is…

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A Great Model for Communication

By Kylie Denton | 16/09/2022

The 5 W’s & H Model for Communication  The 5 W’s & H model was developed by a journalist. It’s no surprise that someone whose job is storytelling understands the importance of communication.  And the same rule applies for communicating inside an organisation. If you want to ensure that you don’t forget critical details in…

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The Secret to Making Change Stick!

By Kylie Denton | 17/06/2022

I made a commitment to my business that I would run a FREE virtual and live workshop weekly on a leadership topic that I know leaders need support in one of those topics is “Leading Change”.  A question I get asked all the time is —-   “How do I get my team to buy into…

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10 Secrets to Being a Great Communicator

By Kylie Denton | 18/03/2022

Communication is the real work of leadership; you simply can’t become a great leader until you are a great communicator. Nothing happens until something is communicated.  Great communicators inspire people. They create a connection that is real, emotional, and personal. And great communicators forge this connection through an understanding of people and an ability to…

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7 Reasons Why People Don’t Like Change

By Kylie Denton | 14/01/2022

There was some research done by Mount Eliza Business School who found that over 70% of change initiatives failed due to people resistance. Not because they were not good ideas. Not because they were not backed by sound analysis, but because they didn’t bring the people along with them.  As a leader it is critically important that…

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2 Tips for Holding Your People Accountable

By Kylie Denton | 22/10/2021

If you want to become a great coach who is responsible for improving workplace culture and productivity, then there is one model that you need to know.  The GROW model is the best model for coaching leaders who want to coach for performance. GROW stands for…  Goal, Reality, Options, & Will.  This 4-step model allows you to approach coaching in a structured…

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Don’t Give Feedback Before Reading This!

By Kylie Denton | 15/10/2021

For the past few weeks, I have been running a FREE weekly workshop on effective communication in leadership.  Over 200 people have been registering for it so clearly there is a massive need for help in this space, so I wanted to share with you one of the key aspects of great communication.  “Give Feedback often”.  The word feedback can have negative connotations for some people.  As…

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The Secret to Making Change Stick!

By Kylie Denton | 08/10/2021

I made a commitment to my business that I would run a FREE virtual and live workshop weekly on a leadership topic that I know leaders need support in one of those topics is “Leading Change”.  A question I get asked all the time is —-   “How do I get my team to buy into…

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5 Traits every Great Coaching Leader Has!

By Kylie Denton | 01/10/2021

I have been a professional leadership and executive coach for over 12 years and for the last 10 years I have been training leaders on how to become a coaching leader.  A question leaders ask me all the time… “What makes a great coaching leader?”  There are so many things that make a great coaching leader and I wanted to share just…

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Want to know ONE Secret to Great Communication in Leadership?

By Kylie Denton | 24/09/2021

Communication is a skill I have honed all my working career.  Lately, I have even been running an online workshop on the 10 SECRETS TO GREAT COMMUNICATION IN LEADERSHIP. We are getting hundreds of registrations each workshop so clearly others think and know how important it is. Makes sense too,  relationships cannot grow without communication and in leadership we need relationships.  Today, I want to share the first of…

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