I see many great leaders who make an enormous impact in their organisation or teams. Often, they excel at doing one or more of the following three things:
- Leading Themselves
Great leaders set expectations with themselves and hold themselves accountable for their actions. John Maxwell is an American author, speaker & world-renowned Leadership Expert.
When asked “What is your biggest leadership problem?”, John’s response was this:
“My biggest leadership problem is me. The person I struggle to head is John Maxwell.“
I believe that if you’re going to lead others successfully, you must first lead yourself. You do that by developing the leader within you. – the traits and the habits that make you successful. - Coaching Their Teams
All great leaders are highly effective coaches. The key to making a difference in the workplace is getting the most out of your team, and to do so, you must be a great coach.
Tom Landry, legendary coach of the Dallas Cowboys, once said something brilliant about coaching – “A coach is someone who tells you what you don’t want to hear, who has seen you what you don’t want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be.“
Landry was coach of the Cowboys for almost 30 years, and his view on coaching sums up exactly what it means to be a difference-maker in any organisation or team. - Holding Their People Accountable
One of the keys to holding your people accountable is to set SMART Goals.
When things are busy, it may seem like a pain to stop and write down goals, steps and outcomes.
However, employees need to know what is expected of them in order to perform well and stay motivated.
If you find a consistent lack of accountability at work, it’s likely you need to create some written SMART goals.
SMART stands for: - S – Specific
- M – Measurable
- A – Attainable
- R – Relevant
- T – Timely
I hope you enjoyed.
Be safe.
PS – Whenever you’re ready, here are FIVE ways I can help you become a better leader…
1. Take my FREE masterclass “3 Steps to Leadership Excellence”
A step-by-step roadmap to guide you from wherever you are now on your leadership journey to becoming a truly world class leader.
2. Read my book “Empowering Employees Through Effective Delegation”
If you lead a team, you need to master delegation. Learn how to delegate effectively and what to do if it all goes wrong.
3. Book a 15-Minute “Discovery Call”
Develop a personalised leadership development plan that will get you results in the next 6 to 12 weeks and beyond.
4. Want to up your Leadership Game to the next level? Register to our Leadership Development Program
Find out more about our Leadership Excellence Program – Equipping leaders wit the necessary skills to lead high performing teams.
5. Take our 3 minute quiz to discover your Top 10 People Leadership Strengths
Thousands of people have taken our quiz and used their strengths to achieve their goals. Take the quiz today and see what you can achieve.
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If you're sick of being pulled from pillar to post every day, frustrated by under performing team members, or struggling with low confidence or imposter syndrome then this new leadership masterclass training is for you. I'll share the 3 most common warning signs and 3 simple fixes and a step by step plan to help you become more confident, trusted and respected leader who delivers results.