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The Difference Between Good Leaders and Inspirational Leaders

By Kylie Denton | 21/09/2020

As a leadership coach, I get to work with leaders every day. Many of the leaders who I work with are at the top of the game, managing teams, getting results and making a difference in this world.  Being a leader is not an easy job at the best of times. Since the impact of COVID-19,…

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5 Must-Know Sales Tips for Financial Planners

By Kylie Denton | 24/08/2020

Financial planners play an important role in helping their clients build wealth and secure their future and achieve their dreams. But even a great financial planner won’t achieve success without the right conversation skills. The ability to have meaningful conversations and build genuine relationships with clients is one of the most important skills you can…

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5 Ways Leadership Teams Can Improve Communication

By Kylie Denton | 03/08/2020

Good communication skills allow managers to perform their roles effectively. In a high-level position, your actions, decisions and communication have an enormous impact on your organisation. Whether you are managing two staff, or 200, the way you operate can impact how productive and profitable your team is. Effective leadership and effective communication are closely intertwined. The…

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The 5-Step Method To Becoming an Inspirational Leader

By Kylie Denton | 30/07/2020

I have spent the majority of my career in the corporate space, and during that time, I have seen everything from ordinary leaders through to great leaders. I now specialise in working with senior leaders and their teams in financial services. It is my passion to develop leaders to feel inspired, empowered, get results and…

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How To Embed Behaviour Change in a Complex Work Environment

By Kylie Denton | 24/07/2020

Humans are creatures of habit and naturally resist adopting new practices, mindsets, and behaviours. Nobody likes the uncertainty of change.  Therefore, embedding behaviour change is a difficult challenge, especially in a professional work environment. Whenever a company engages my services, the end result is always “Kylie I want my team to change certain behaviours”. In…

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6 Strategies High-Performing Leaders are Using Right Now

By Kylie Denton | 15/07/2020

There are many different tools out there that service high-performing leaders, such as HBDI, HPET, and DISC. Of course, purchasing them can be an expensive process, so I have put together a list of 6 strategies that you could try first that are extremely effective and could save you both time and money.  I have…

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Tips for Leaders Managing Performance and Mental Health Issues during COVID 19

By Kylie Denton | 19/06/2020

I hope you are well, safe and healthy during these times, and you are all starting to see the light at the end of this very long COVID19 tunnel.  I know how wonderful it has been for me to see more of my friends and family after so long. Lately I have been running workshops…

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Resilient Leadership is what is needed Right Now

By Kylie Denton | 15/05/2020

How resilient are you? I hope you are all healthy, safe, and dealing with this pandemic in the best way you know how. I am conducting all of my meetings, coaching sessions, and training sessions virtually and working from home full time, with two children doing online schooling (as best we can) and trying to…

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Urgency Blog Post

Urgency keeps people from thinking clearly

By Kylie Denton | 25/10/2019

I was in a coaching session this week and I was working with a senior leader; he was telling me that his boss always wants everything urgently.  I wondered if it was him thinking it was urgent or if it really was urgent.  Sometimes I think we assume it’s urgent because the boss asked but if we don’t…

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What is teamwork

What is teamwork – and the four crucial reasons to build it

By Kylie Denton | 09/08/2019

Having a great team is one thing; having great team work together is another. A team that works together and supports each other is one hell of a feeling to be a part of. Here are four reasons you need to strengthen the teamwork in your company. Teamwork fosters collaboration and unity. Gone are the…

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