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Five ways to boost team morale
Your team are your greatest asset. You know it, I know it – but do they know it? Richard Branson says “A company’s employees are its greatest asset and your people are your product” . Their good work and loyalty can fail to get the appreciation and recognition it deserves and instead your team hear…
Read More >How to relax when the workday is over
No, it’s not drinking a bottle of wine haha! In all truthfulness, I need to confess that I am just as bad at this as anyone, so this blog serves as a reminder to you and me. At the start of each year, we can start with such good intentions, and we turn these intentions…
Read More >The eight keys to successful selling
Sales is, by far, one of the most essential activities in business. A quick Google search will reveal millions of articles on how to become better at sales and while many will promise the “secrets” of sales or the one strategy that will boost your conversions, the truth is, it comes down to consistency, the…
Read More >Five tips for running a successful sales meeting
I know people don’t like to admit they are in sales, but the truth is we all are somehow. If we aren’t selling the benefits of a product and service to our clients and explaining how it meets their needs, we are selling ourselves as the expert they can trust. Most people resist the label…
Read More >Nine things successful people do after holidays (to get back in the swing of things)
Coming back to work after holidays is hard, I get it – and I feel it! Gone are the long days relaxing by the pool, or lounging around with friends and family as we escape the usual crazy schedule of our day-to-day lives. But the transition back to work doesn’t need to be too hard…
Read More >Six questions to create your value proposition for 2019
This week I had the honour of presenting at the Elder’s Conference in South Australia where I spoke on the importance of sharing your value proposition with prospects and clients. I truly believe we are very fortunate in the financial services industry. The value we provide our clients as a financial advisor, broker or agent…
Read More >Are you getting the financial planning training you really need?
When I was 13 years old my father passed away from bowel cancer. Thankfully he was smart enough to take out life insurance, because without it, life would have been a lot different for me and my seven brothers and sisters. While it didn’t make us millionaires, it did allow us to stay in the…
Read More >How To Coach To KPIs
For the last few weeks one area of focus for me has been working with leaders around coaching around performance, it just seems to be that time of the year! As you may have found from personal experience, many performance conversations can be challenging and downright awkward and uncomfortable. But the right way to look…
Read More >Are you doing enough with referral partners?
Throughout my coaching, I often work with clients who have a team of financial planners. Within that team, you will have those that get a massive amount of referrals while others get next to none. What is the difference between them? Are you doing enough with referral partners? Back when I was an adviser, I worked…
Read More >How to have the price conversation with clients
Why is it that some planners get so worried when it comes to discussing the price of a financial plan? Perhaps you have experienced it yourself, where you have shied away from talking about price with your clients? Each week I get the opportunity to observe financial planners in meetings with their clients. Some are…
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