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Five ways to grow your team beyond you
As a leader, it can be easy to think your most important role is to increase your organisation’s performance and profit, but the true goal of a leader should be to help your team become more confident and accomplished. So how do you help them to live up to their full potential? Here are five…
Read More >How to effectively address conflict within your team
When different personalities, generations, genders and cultures work together on a daily basis with different viewpoints, priorities and communication methods, conflict is inevitable. So how do you prepare, manage and solve conflict effectively in the workplace? Here are my top tips for addressing conflict within your team. 1. Acknowledge the conflict The first step in…
Read More >How to know when to intervene as a leader
When problems and issues arise within your business, they can have the ability to dramatically affect the productivity performance and profitability of your organisation. But as a leader, not all situations need your attention. In fact, it can be far better for your team, culture and business if you don’t intervene or micro-manage every individual…
Read More >Feedback can often be met with resistance; here are seven ways to turn it around
There is no question the word “feedback” can stir up feelings of uncertainty, fear and negativity in the workplace. You can even be met with resistance as some team members who have had bad experiences in the past prepare to be criticised or rejected for something they may or may not have said or done.…
Read More >Four questions to help you find your ‘why’
“He who has a why can endure any how.” – Frederick Nietzsche Most companies can answer the question “What do you do?” with ease, but it becomes a lot more difficult when asked, “Why?” Think about it, if someone were to ask you right now why you do what you do, would you be able…
Read More >How to increase employee engagement and buy-in to change
Change is inevitable and it happens so frequently in businesses. But when it comes to implementing change in the workplace, employees don’t always look upon it so positively. With fear, habit and uncertainty often getting in the way of implementing change, your plans can often be met with resistance and reduced staff engagement, making it…
Read More >Three ways to increase client satisfaction and engagement
With business becoming increasingly competitive, the need to reduce costs and become more effective and efficient is at an all time high. But too often this shift in focus from serving clients, to operating more efficiently can result in unmet customer needs and a lack of trust, leading to a reduction in client engagement and…
Read More >Four tips to help you get to know your team
I have seen many leaders become so focused on achieving their goal that they forget to consider who they are leading – and the best way to lead them. With the facts, figures and deadlines we use for planning and decision making keeping us focused on the ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ we do things on…
Read More >Four ways to create a culture of responsibility in your team
Responsibility Despite coaching many different businesses at many different stages of operation, there is one question that stays the same, “How do I get my team to be more responsible?” It can be tempting to point the finger at the team here, and I’ll admit I normally get a list of why certain team members…
Read More >Four ways to become the leader your team need and want
It’s hard to lead a team when none of them want to follow you, yet for many leaders this is exactly what they try to do. Wrapped up in the authority of their position they forget that a leadership position is one of serving others. I always remember the quote by Jack Welch “Before you…
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