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Five Ways To Energise Your Team

By Kylie Denton | 26/03/2015

Have you ever walked into an office and felt the energy of a team that are happy, passionate and collaborative? It feels different, looks different and sounds different. You just want to stay there and have whatever they are having! In my last blog I talked about how to increase your energy this blog is…

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boost your energy levels

Seven tips to boost your energy levels in busy times

By Kylie Denton | 11/03/2015

With late nights, early mornings, tight deadlines and the need to always push yourself to work harder and grow your business or career faster, you can end up overworked, drained and sometimes even lose the passion you have for your work. While we can’t always eliminate the stresses and pressures of life, we can find…

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Building Profitable Business Relationships

Four Tips For Building Profitable Business Relationships

By Kylie Denton | 24/02/2015

Your success and growth as a business owner or leader is often determined by your ability to influence and leverage. The more you can influence people’s thoughts and actions, and leverage their time, knowledge, resources and contacts, the quicker you can increase your capacity for growth. To do this effectively though you need to increase…

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Four easy steps to set goals you’re motivated to achieve

By Kylie Denton | 09/02/2015

If you are like most people your year starts off with the best of intentions. You’re all fired up from the break and ready to make big changes to both yourself and to your work.

But then the phone calls and emails start coming in, and the meetings, tight deadlines and business as usual activities that keep you running, distract you from your bigger vision and goals. Before you know February is here, and you’re no closer to achieving your goals. Sound familiar?

So what makes some business people more successful and committed to their goals and how can you be more like them? Here are four easy steps to set goals you’re motivated to achieve.

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