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Are you missing opportunities to upsell and cross-sell
Are you missing opportunities by not having a more meaningful conversation with your clients? When faced with the pressure to increase sales it can be easy to focus on generating new business and miss the opportunities to have a deeper more meaningful conversation with your clients and uncover more needs. Upsell and cross-sell should be…
Read More >Is trust more important than value?
Is trust more important than value? As you are well aware, the royal commission has put our industry under the microscope. As a result, our conversations with clients are going to get harder, and that’s a challenge all advisers need to be prepared for. In my business, I often find that financial planners believe that…
Read More >Do you know what your customers say about you?
Do you know what your customers say about you? Having clients that promote you and your services is one of the best indicators of success and has been found to increase retention, referrals and spend. But how do you have more promoters than detractors? In our overscheduled, distraction riddled, multi-tasking days, providing consistently high-quality service…
Read More >Do you know what your True Conversion rate is?
Do you know what your TRUE conversion rate is? I often ask this of financial advisers I work with and they usually come back with a confident answer of “I convert 80-90% of my sales meetings”. But when we plug the real figures into a calculator the reality is, it’s a lot closer to 40-50%…
Read More >Is The Time Spent In Appointments Taking Over Your Days
Is the time you are spending in appointments taking over your day? When you are time poor already, there is nothing more frustrating than spending too long in appointments and not enough time doing more productive activities. It is a frustration I hear all the time from the financial planners I work with but is a frustration that…
Read More >Are The Questions You’re Asking Stopping You?
Are the questions you’re asking – or not asking – stopping you from uncovering more client needs? I get to observe Financial Planners conduct interviews each week and find the questions you ask clients not only tell you a lot about them, but they also tell your client a lot about you. I always find it…
Read More >The 1-Hour Client Appointment
Are you spending more than 1 hour in client appointments? In this day and age, our natural state is busy. But being busy doesn’t mean we are productive. As a financial planner, spending too much time in appointments will have a negative flow on effect, leaving limited time for the activities that will make a difference…
Read More >Generating Referrals
Hasn’t that week flown by! I’m so excited to share Key #6 with you because it can make a HUGE difference to your business. We all understand the power of referrals. They are high leverage, they allow you to skip the time and financial investment involved with sourcing new leads and fast forward the sales…
Read More >Tips For Increasing Conversions
We’re officially over half way! I hope you’ve been enjoying the 6 keys to high performance financial services email series so far. Now onto Key #4 – increasing conversions. Let’s face it, it doesn’t matter how many leads you are getting or meetings you are having, if you aren’t converting sales, you are wasting your…
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