Soft Skills

Consistent Client Experiences

Creating Consistent Client Experiences

By Kylie Denton / 02/05/2018 /

Did you know that on average, a client will tell less than ten people about a great customer experience but more than 20 people about a bad one? How do you ensure consistent client experiences? Your clients need to know that you value them enough to do what you have promised and can provide them…

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Meaningful Conversations

Having More Meaningful Conversations

By Kylie Denton / 02/05/2018 /

Welcome to key #1 in the 6 keys to high performance financial services email series! Having More Meaningful Conversations For a long time now I’ve realised the importance of having meaningful conversations with clients. When you connect with customers on an emotional level you go far beyond what typically happens in a normal sales conversation. For…

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Four ways to create a culture of responsibility in your team

By Kylie Denton / 10/12/2015 /

Responsibility Despite coaching many different businesses at many different stages of operation, there is one question that stays the same, “How do I get my team to be more responsible?” It can be tempting to point the finger at the team here, and I’ll admit I normally get a list of why certain team members…

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Four ways to become the leader your team need and want

By Kylie Denton / 10/11/2015 /

It’s hard to lead a team when none of them want to follow you, yet for many leaders this is exactly what they try to do. Wrapped up in the authority of their position they forget that a leadership position is one of serving others. I always remember the quote by Jack Welch “Before you…

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Five Ways To Energise Your Team

By Kylie Denton / 26/03/2015 /

Have you ever walked into an office and felt the energy of a team that are happy, passionate and collaborative? It feels different, looks different and sounds different. You just want to stay there and have whatever they are having! In my last blog I talked about how to increase your energy this blog is…

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Building Profitable Business Relationships

Four Tips For Building Profitable Business Relationships

By Kylie Denton / 24/02/2015 /

Your success and growth as a business owner or leader is often determined by your ability to influence and leverage. The more you can influence people’s thoughts and actions, and leverage their time, knowledge, resources and contacts, the quicker you can increase your capacity for growth. To do this effectively though you need to increase…

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